Multiple chickens prolapsing and bleeding out

Remove all injuried/bleeding/prolapse to seperate area
add Probiotics & Electrolytes to everyone's water,
Stop all feed except Layer Pellets, Oystershell & Grit in all areas.

How many hens?
How big a coop?

do you have a seperate area you can move and isolate the injuried?
could there be a predator that is biting thier rumps or are you sure it is a prolapse?

if you are sure it is prolapse I would switch feed brands immediatly and try to cut off any extra light and slow down their laying. Wjat is their housing like?
I have about 30 hens. They have a huge pen. I don't seem to have any aggressive chickens till the bleeding
starts. I think the Delaware is going to make it, we got her out in time. The feed is a name brand and I have
been using it from the start.
Hens under light that start early have much higher chances of prolapse
Sounds like they all started a bit too early. I hope things get better!
well something is causing it and you will have to start ruling things out. I would start with the obvious like feed/predators, etc then move down the list if it continues. I would turn off all lights now. So many hens out of 30 is extreme and should be addressed immediately. Good Luck

were you always using layer and oyster shell with starter feed from when they were chicks? or did you switch to that combo once they started laying?
This doesn't sound like prolapse at all, it sounds like you have cannibal chickens. One will peck at the vent and then they ALL peck until they have turned that bird inside out. You need to check everybodys beak and see who is pecking and remove the said birds or put pinless peepers on them. They will keep on until all are dead but the peckers (OK I know that doesn't sound right, but you get my drift).
I removed 2 yesterday with a little blood on the vent. I don't think there
are any cannibals. The pecking only starts after the bleed. I have been
watching very careful at laying time. I have eliminated all feed except the
layer, and oyster shell. There are 3 roosters in the pen, 1 frizzle, 1 naked
neck and 1 Coo Coo. I am eliminating all possible causes. I will keep
updated and try to get some pics.

What is egg bound? I'm kinda new to all this.
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