Multiple Chickens with One Eye Gunked Closed


13 Years
Jun 12, 2009
Fayetteville, GA
We have a few new birds with the following symptoms:

One eye closed (not badly swollen) with whitish gunk in it.

One bird has rattly sounding breathing (youngest)

One died.

I suspect Coryza, any thoughts?
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That is exactly what it sounds like. It is contagious to the rest of the flock and can last anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, depending on the strain. I would get the flock on some antibiotics, Sulphadimethoxine is the prefered medicine, or Tetracycline, but Sulphamethazine is also affective. These are all water soluable you put in the water. Good luck!
I just had a neighbor cull a bird with everything your describing, I put her on the tetracycline and it started working by day 3 but by day 5 she took a turn an actually got worse then what she was before...
I guess that would be the difference between a "treatment" and a cure. No cure for this, just treatment to get over symptoms. If that is the diagnosis, all birds in contact will have to be culled. Here's hoping it's something else!

Please tell me how there is a vaccine for coryza, but it can be "treated" with antibiotics? Doesn't that insinuate a virus (prevented with a vaccine for it) AND a bacteria (antibiotics)? I'm lost on that one.

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