Multiple eggs?? & egg colors


9 Years
Aug 9, 2010
I got my first egg(s) today!
But I'm also puzzled.

I know that my Black Australorp, Blackberry, laid one. She's been showing signs for about a week that she was close so that's a given. None of the other girls are showing the same "any day" signs. However, this morning I had 2 eggs on the run floor! I had opened up their coop at 5:30 this morning and the eggs weren't there. When I let out the girls for supervised free-raning at 9:30, the eggs were waiting for me. Both eggs are small and brown. Is it possible that she laid 2 eggs or do I have another secret layer?

Second question: I remember seeing a page/chart put together by one of our members that has egg colors for the different breeds. Can anyone point me towards that? All of my hens are different heritage breeds so it would be nice to see a chart with the actual colors for that breed.
I would guess you have 2 layers, or possibly you missed one of the eggs the first time? I have no idea on the egg chart but I know the breeds link at the top includes pictures of the eggs each breed lays.
I couldn't have missed the eggs the first time; they were right in the middle of the run floor (not very creative!). I just have no clue who the second layer would be. Is it impossible to get 2 small eggs from one chicken within 3 hours? I know the eggs take 26 hours to form so my question is whether 2 can form in the egg tract at the same time. If not, I must have a secret layer.

I have fake wooden eggs in them and the chickens have explored them but they aren't using them for laying - yet. Any ideas on how to encourage them to use that location? It's in a secluded and semi-dark area of the run under the enclosed coop.

BTW. Someone bumped the egg color thread .
I've actually taken eggs that they laid, marked them with a pencil so I know they are old, and put them in the nesting box. this seems to help sometimes. With the early ones, I think sometimes they don't realize they are laying an egg lol. Don't think there is anyway that one chicken laid them both.

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