multiplying chicks?!


15 Years
Nov 10, 2008
Fitzwilliam NH
OK so I got my order from McMurray on Feb 23. Counted them as I took them out of the box and put them in the brooder, 27 live, 1 dead, 28 total, exactly what I ordered.

Lost one chick the following day, down to 26.

Then at 2 1/2 weeks old I split the chicks and put 15 in a second brooder. That should have left 11 in the original brooder.

Today I count, 15 in the second brooder, exactly what there should be. Then 13 in the original brooder!

I have no idea how it happened. We haven't brought home any chicks and I've counted out the chicks a bunch of times when they were still in their first 2 weeks. How could I have missed two chicks every time?

I'm certainly not complaining, just a little bewildered. But I'm happy that I have 28 chicks again
The first time I incubated eggs, I was positive that we had 31 eggs in the incubator. We ended up with 28 chicks and 5 unhatched eggs. I have never figured that one out either!
My DH and I are the only ones in the house. DH likes the chickens OK but wouldn't be the one to ever pick more up on a whim. I can say for sure that I haven't picked up any. I have to go to the feed store tomorrow but I'm safe since my feed store won't have chicks until April and they don't display them, you have to ask for them. Helps curb the Oh-so-cute-must-have! impulse, lol.

So really, it's just two extra unexplained chicks!!! I used to take them out of the brooder to change the bottom so I would put them in a smaller bin for a few minutes. I always counted as I took them out 1 at a time and count them as I put them back 1 at a time just to be sure I didn't lose any while they were out (like cat grabbed from bin or somehow got over edge of bin). I always counted 26 and I'm definitely able to count higher
I did graduate high school and all.

Like I said, I'm just bewildered!
newdock, it is weird isn't it! Just all the sudden, extras. Go figure. Sounds like you had a great first hatch! And some multiplying eggs
Tis a mystery!!! I have counted mine wrong before too. and recounted them several times each time coming up with a different number. I went away this weekend and had a friend come over and collect the eggs. When I came home the coop door was opened and I was terrified. It was dark and I went in and counted three times before I got it right. Thankfully they were all there. I found eggs all over the place.

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