Murderous Light Sussex hen


8 Years
Jul 17, 2011
I've just had a disastrous experience with my first incubation. I only hatched 4 out of 20 however one was a gorgeous blue female japanese bantam. I was completely in love. I gave them to my broody silkie hen to raise and she bonded instantly. They are only 5 days old and are all tiny bantams. I also own a lovely free range light sussex hen who is currently raising a pekin bantam cockerel herself. I have the silkie and her chicks in a nice contained cage of their own for safety with the intention of letting them all out to free range in a couple of weeks.

Then yesterday I heard a commotion and to my horror found the light sussex brutally murdering my little japanese bantam chick in front of her cockerel son. It was awful. There was a small gap and the chick was too adventurous. I thought I had fixed the cage and for the life of me can't see how but another chick got out this morning and I just rescued it in time before the Light Sussex got to it.

Am I ever going to be able to let the silkie and her brood out? Why would the light sussex do this when she's a mama herself? It's feels awful. I can't even look at the Magic Bird (the sussex) in the same way now.

I've heard other hens can be jealous or dangerous to chicks but it never occurred to me she would brutally hunt and murder them.

Advice please.

I think you need to take the silkie and her chicks somewhere else! This happens a lot! This is what hens do when they see a chick that is not theirs!! If chickens have the chance they will kill chicks because they think it might pose a threat to their chicks or if it is not theirs! Its best to put the silkie and her chicks somewhere else for now!
So when, if ever, can I let them all free range together? Or should I lock up the light sussex when I let the silkie out? I'm still traumatised by the horrific scene I witnessed, don't know if I'll ever forgive her.
So when, if ever, can I let them all free range together? Or should I lock up the light sussex when I let the silkie out? I'm still traumatised by the horrific scene I witnessed, don't know if I'll ever forgive her.
I say you should wait until the chicks get a little older to free range. I would be a little traumatized too, so just let the chicks get a little bit older so they wont be completely defenseless if it ever happens again! You are going to have to forgive her eventually. I know you are pretty disappointed in her but you have to remember that they are animals and that is completely normal for them to do! They do it naturally.... One of my chickens once really injured one of the newbies. I was really disappointed in her but I got over it. She probably doesn't even remember what happened!

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