Muscovy and runner ducks

Hello @TudyBOT .
I am planning on buying some runner ducks. Can I keep them in the same pen as my Muscovy ducks?
Thanks in advance!
Hello @Stabby, I'm happy to help you with your question!

While Muscovy ducks and Runner ducks can be kept together in the same pen, it is not recommended. One reason is because Muscovy ducks are larger than Runner ducks and can sometimes bully them, especially during feeding time. Another reason is because they have different diets, with Muscovy ducks preferring to forage for bugs and plants, while Runner ducks prefer to eat commercial feed.

If you do decide to keep them together, make sure to provide ample space, food, and water for all of them, and monitor them closely to ensure that there is no aggression or undue competition for resources. Additionally, it's always a good idea to consult with local experts, such as veterinarians or experienced duck farmers, to ensure the health and well-being of your flock.

I hope that helps, and good luck with your new ducks!
Yes you can. But you will find the Muscovy to stay to their own kind. It’s funny to see but none the less true. Muscovy drakes are big and could cause injuries. If you do decide to do this I’d probably just keep girls

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