Muscovy Chat

Thank you!

I currently have eight hens and I would like to house my ducks with my hens. I've seen where people do that, so I'm assuming that's okay. :)
How do you introduce the ducks to the chickens?
On the water they need to "swim" in, where I live it will freeze unless I heat it some way. Do I need to do that? Heat the water so they have a pool of water still?

Thanks for the help!
Thank you!

I currently have eight hens and I would like to house my ducks with my hens. I've seen where people do that, so I'm assuming that's okay. :)
How do you introduce the ducks to the chickens?
On the water they need to "swim" in, where I live it will freeze unless I heat it some way. Do I need to do that? Heat the water so they have a pool of water still?

Thanks for the help!
Are you going to be bringing home ducklings or adults? My Muscovy females roost with my chickens at night but I don't keep them closed up in a pen during the day together. My drake also sleeps in the big coop/duck house but he prefers to sleep in the shaving on the other side of the coop all one building but there is a wall with a door he sleeps on the duck side. [door open]

Chickens who are the resident flock need to be introduced to ducklings/ducks very slowly with some type of fencing in between you could even divide your coop down the middle so they can sleep together but not be able to get at each other. Resident flock whether duck or chicken look at newbies as intruders.It can take some time for all to get use to each other it really depends on the birds. I don't heat water during winter for swimming I do use heated buckets so the water doesn't freeze I use these for all my poultry and have made steps for my chickens out of scrap 4X4's if it get into 40's I'll fill the cement mixing tub with water for some bathing but other than that as long as they can wash their heads and faces they really don't need swimming water.
They will be babies. I was hoping to let them all sleep together, but let them out in the day.
Do you feed them all the same, or will they stay away from each other's food?

Thanks for your help.
They will be babies. I was hoping to let them all sleep together, but let them out in the day.
Do you feed them all the same, or will they stay away from each other's food?

Thanks for your help.
Maybe once your ducklings are adult size and they all have lived side by side they will be able to sleep together. My Muscovy's and Chickens are all adults and they sleep together. You'll be brooding your ducklings for quite some time since they won't be able to regulate their body temp till all feathered in. I'll get you the link to caring for ducklings too.
As for food try to get an All Flock crumble that way they can all eat the same food. Be sure to put out Oyster shell in a bowl close by their feed so the layers will have plenty of calcium.
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Thank you! I'm so excited to get them! I'll post pictures once I get them.

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