My sister got 3 Muscovy ducks this year to add to her flock because she knew I liked ducks, so now I want to add some to my house but I have a few questions. I have 10 muscovy ducklings that should be coming some time this spring (if we ever get a spring) so I just want to make sure I'm ready.
1. What do you feed your Muscovy's? I have heard multiple things: first one person told me not to feed pellets because they can kill ducks, I then had another person tell me that pellets are fine and they feed regular chicken feed to their ducks. What's the real answer. I have access to a locally made gamebird feed that is 28 to 30% protein but the adult version of this is pelleted only the starter is crumbles.
2. Can I house my Muscovy's in the same barn with my chickens? Right now I have a 4' by 8' coop for the chickens. I was thinking that I would add on a second room to the outside of the coop for the ducks so they are in the same place. The chickens would be able to roost up above and the Muscovy's would have the lower levels. Hasn't been added yet so I can always change the plans, I was interested what others have done.
3. Do Muscovy's need nesting boxes to lay in? Once again I have heard many different answers. If at all possible I would love for them to lay at least in the coop as I stink at Easter egg hunting, but what do I need to add to entice them to lay their eggs in there rather than out in the bushes, trees or pastures on the property? I have 2 acres that they will be able to free range on. That would be a lot of area to search lol.
4. If a duck goes broody do I need to separate her from the other birds or will they take care of themselves and the eggs? I have chickens that go both ways. Once we had a little bantam chicken who would sit on eggs with the large fowl chickens in the room and she would even chase the rooster out if she felt he was in the way. I also have had a large fowl chicken who would let other chickens kick her off the nest so I had to move her. Are ducks like that or are they naturally more protective of their eggs? Also do I need to separate her and her babies after hatching or will she just keep them all safe from the other chickens and ducks?
5. What are the best feeders and waterers for Muscovy's? I don't want to get them something they have difficulty eating or drinking out of and I had heard that ducks need to be able to dunk their heads in the water even if they don't swim.
Any other things you could tell me would be great. I just want to be the best Muscovy mommy I can be once they get here. They will be starting out in a brooder in my greenhouse outside when they are babies and will move into free ranging and living in the coop once they are big enough that they won't get hurt by the rooster and chickens.
1. What do you feed your Muscovy's? I have heard multiple things: first one person told me not to feed pellets because they can kill ducks, I then had another person tell me that pellets are fine and they feed regular chicken feed to their ducks. What's the real answer. I have access to a locally made gamebird feed that is 28 to 30% protein but the adult version of this is pelleted only the starter is crumbles.
2. Can I house my Muscovy's in the same barn with my chickens? Right now I have a 4' by 8' coop for the chickens. I was thinking that I would add on a second room to the outside of the coop for the ducks so they are in the same place. The chickens would be able to roost up above and the Muscovy's would have the lower levels. Hasn't been added yet so I can always change the plans, I was interested what others have done.
3. Do Muscovy's need nesting boxes to lay in? Once again I have heard many different answers. If at all possible I would love for them to lay at least in the coop as I stink at Easter egg hunting, but what do I need to add to entice them to lay their eggs in there rather than out in the bushes, trees or pastures on the property? I have 2 acres that they will be able to free range on. That would be a lot of area to search lol.
4. If a duck goes broody do I need to separate her from the other birds or will they take care of themselves and the eggs? I have chickens that go both ways. Once we had a little bantam chicken who would sit on eggs with the large fowl chickens in the room and she would even chase the rooster out if she felt he was in the way. I also have had a large fowl chicken who would let other chickens kick her off the nest so I had to move her. Are ducks like that or are they naturally more protective of their eggs? Also do I need to separate her and her babies after hatching or will she just keep them all safe from the other chickens and ducks?
5. What are the best feeders and waterers for Muscovy's? I don't want to get them something they have difficulty eating or drinking out of and I had heard that ducks need to be able to dunk their heads in the water even if they don't swim.
Any other things you could tell me would be great. I just want to be the best Muscovy mommy I can be once they get here. They will be starting out in a brooder in my greenhouse outside when they are babies and will move into free ranging and living in the coop once they are big enough that they won't get hurt by the rooster and chickens.