Muscovy duck with collapsed egg.


5 Years
Jul 8, 2014
I have a female duck that I think might have a collapsed egg still inside of her. I don't know what to do I have never experienced this is ducks or chickens so I don't know if I should just leave her be and see if she passes it on her own or what. Any advice would be great. She is still acting like herself and it doesn't seem to bother her. What should I do?
I'm not sure what you should do with your duck but maybe someone in the emergencies forum would be able to help! Good luck with your duck!!!!!!!
I would get her into a tub of lukewarm water and see if she passes it.

Did you see the insides come out, but no shell? There may be just a membrane inside - I have seen that with mine, and a nice float helps them pass it.

If you can get her to a vet, that may be worth a try - I say may, because some vets are not on top of waterfowl health issues.

If there is no shell of a soft shell, some extra calcium may help.

Is there a drake on top of her often?
None of the vets around here treat ducks :/

I'll try the lukewarm bath.

The drake is on here every other day but not enough to harm her I think.
None of the vets around here treat ducks :/

I'll try the lukewarm bath.

The drake is on here every other day but not enough to harm her I think.
I'd let her soak in warm water it does help them relax and she maybe able to pass it, if you just leave her alone and do nothing and she doesn't pass this one it can cause infection which will not end well. Sometimes they can pass them sometimes not.
what makes you think she has a collapsed egg? and if you can get some liquid calcium you can add some to her drinking water. or crush up some tums and add to her water.
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