Muscovy duck?!?!



Free Ranging
5 Years
Apr 26, 2019
Hey y’all, I’m going to make this as short as possible. I have a Broody that was on 2 Muscovy eggs and some different breeds as well. Well, I did not mark the Muscovy eggs so...all the others hatched except one that I think is the Muscovy egg but only have a guess on what day it’s on which is 32. It’s still alive and y’all this it’s one? It’s starting make its little cheeping sounds and stuff so I think it may hatch soon?
Hey y’all, I’m going to make this as short as possible. I have a Broody that was on 2 Muscovy eggs and some different breeds as well. Well, I did not mark the Muscovy eggs so...all the others hatched except one that I think is the Muscovy egg but only have a guess on what day it’s on which is 32. It’s still alive and y’all this it’s one? It’s starting make its little cheeping sounds and stuff so I think it may hatch soon
I don't know, has it hatched yet?

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