Muscovy ducks going lame

Peter in Hungary

In the Brooder
Jul 24, 2022
I have some Muscovy ducks between 2 - 3 months old and several have gone lame over the last 3 weeks. the symptoms are that the ducks are reluctant to get up and move around but rather sit with their legs stretched out behind them. The ducks were feed on duck starter crumbs for 1 month which was then changed over (slowly) to a mix of 20% oats and 80% triticale fed wetted and ad lib with greenery thrown in for good measure. The ducks are kept in a coop with a house available. Water is by an automatic water trough which is cleaned out every other day. Parents and young are all in the same coop.

Help please - what could be causing the lameness?
They should be on a formulated feed specifically for ducks. The grains and greens are not going to be enough to meet their dietary needs, especially niacin. If you can get some Vitamin B complex to supplement them with, or nutritional yeast, that should help.

Also, keep in mind that Muscovy are lazy. :) My ducklings love to lay down to eat. It's a common thing with this breed, and especially in the males. Call it growing pains.

Are they active? Do they limp? Do they look like they are in discomfort?

Can you get us some photos or video?
Hi Peter in Hungary

It sounds to me like the ducks' diet is deficient in Niacin

I have no idea what duck feed is available to you locally. Can you contact other local duck keepers and find out what they feed their ducks?

Is high dose Vit B complex available? In the US it is sold for cattle and goats, but we use it orally to treat ducks that are niacin deficient.

Can you get brewer's yeast? It is cheaper than than nutritional yeast although it has a lesser amount of niacin content. If you cannot get duck feed, you should supplement the diet with nutritional or brewer's yeast.
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Hi All
Thanks for the replys. Dipping into the feeding of triticale it appears that it has about half the B3 (niacin) compared with barley which I was feeding last year without problems so hopefully giving a niacin supplement which I found in bulk on line as suggested by Gooseapplefarms will fix the problem.
Oh and the link given by Gooseapplefarms has an interesting mix of measures, pounds, ppm and ml. but a good article anyway as is the backyardchickens thread above.
I added niacin to the feed as above but I'm still having problems. When the ducks go lame they sit with their legs out behind them and can't stand. If you help them to stand they curl their toes up and sit on their knees (is that the right term?) rather than stand on their feet. None of the affected ducks have survived and they all seem light for their size.
Last year we got some new stock, including a new drake. Could it be genetic rather than a niacin deficiency ?
Hopefully pictures attached


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It could be genetic or a nutrient deficiency. When you put them into a pool or tub with water so they can float do they use their legs normally to move around?

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