Muscovy eggs


In the Brooder
Jul 19, 2021
My Muscovy duck just lay some eggs i am wondering if can eat those eggs
i only have one female duck (no male) are those edible and do they taste the same
as chicken eggs
Yes! We ate lots last year. They seem to taste pretty similar, you will find they are harder to crack and the egg whites are thicker. The yolks might taste a bit creamier than chicken eggs, but there's not a huge difference. I've heard a lot of people say they are better for baking too. Enjoy!
We love eggs from our ducks! In fact, I went out to brunch a few weeks ago and ordered eggs with my meal... I couldn't figure out why they didn't taste nearly as good. Until I realized my ducks spoil me with fresh eggs.
I love my Muscovy ducks but not their eggs except for baking. I find the taste to strong/rich for me. I also find the yolks kind of rubbery making it hard to cook them as scrambled eggs. Luckily I have a person who buys all I can provide her.

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