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Does anyone know what this if in my hens left eye just noticed it & unfortunately she won't let me too close.

Right eye is good
both eyes were perfect on Sunday.

[CONTENTEMBED=/t/909106/possible-sinus-infection-duck-has-foamy-eyes layout=inline]​[/CONTENTEMBED]

My drakes Clark and Lewis get this sometimes to like when Lewis he got it after he was attacked by my turkey hen but after his face healed the foam went away so I think it's just from getting something in their eye or getting it hurt in some way like scratching it on a wire or getting a piece of bark in their eye either way it heals up on its own as far as I can tell I read this and it was helpful.If someone says otherwise great I would love to hear other possibilities and how it could be treated cuz I'm not totally sure.
Well several days ago after Lewis was attacked by my turkey his eyes got foamy so I figured a minor injury caused it as I posted before and it cleared up on its own so I go check on them today as usual and both of Lewis's eyes are foamy and Clarks left eye so I'm like ??????????????? Um I guess I'm gonna try some stuff posted on the link i showed
[CONTENTEMBED=/t/909106/possible-sinus-infection-duck-has-foamy-eyes layout=inline]​[/CONTENTEMBED]

My drakes Clark and Lewis get this sometimes to like when Lewis he got it after he was attacked by my turkey hen but after his face healed the foam went away so I think it's just from getting something in their eye or getting it hurt in some way like scratching it on a wire or getting a piece of bark in their eye either way it heals up on its own as far as I can tell I read this and it was helpful.If someone says otherwise great I would love to hear other possibilities and how it could be treated cuz I'm not totally sure.
Well that was really easy I just looked it up and the diagnosis and cure came up right away so anyone with foamy eyed ducks here is the link

So I see no signs of anything respiratory so I am gonna try the salty water posted on the link I first posted and see how it goes I will update later!
I maybe old school but why not give them a nice private spot inside a safe house so they don't have to sit in all that weather and possibly get taken and killed by a predator. My girls lay in their houses and I have peace of mind they are safe. But I do like to keep them around a long time. :)
I have nest boxes inside the coop in a protected corner but she completely ignored them and went deep into the woods I also find its more succesful when they set on bear ground every time they nest outside they always hatch all the eggs

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