Muscovy keepers share your pics!

Trim the flight feathers on 1 wing. We do ours twice a year. Gives us a hands on chance to examine our birds as well.
Trim the flight feathers on 1 wing. We do ours twice a year. Gives us a hands on chance to examine our birds as well.

If you want the natural look, trim off about 5 secondary feathers underneath the coverts. It only shows when the birds flap, and the coverts protect the skin from the cut ends of the feathers. I learned that even birds who by all laws of physics shouldn't fly, can still fly if they want, so everybody has clipped secondaries, with the exception of the show birds. Muscovies are strong flyers, so if you want them inside a fenced area, wing clipping is essential
but if they are outside and you just don't want them to fly away i would recommend just trimming 3 feathers after the first feather at the tip, and then down about 5 or so more feathers, in a type of V only on one wing because u would want them to still get away from predators but i totally agree with Mrs.Lady, comfort for the bird is most optimal so you should always make sure the skin is protected like she said
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One thing i love about muscovies is that they tell you when they're happy to have you around, cooing at you and always wagging their tails, they are just like the most perfect ducks in the world, they always want to be held and love their care takers so much that its just like having another member of your family
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One thing i love about muscovies is that they tell you when they're happy to have you around, cooing at you and always wagging their tails, they are just like the most  perfect ducks in the world, they always want to be held and love their care takers so much that its just like having another member of your family

I love those happy noises!!! Of course, if you have chores to do and don't spend enough time saying hello, you will meet with a roadblock of scovies who want their attention before letting you pass! They are wonderful!!
Oh my gosh yes! And have you noticed males always hold onto you longer than females do, i mean they love you in all but males always get up in my business and i love that, they're such mamas boys!, i say mama because i am their mom, i know i'm a guy and everything but since when does daddy scovy take care of the ducklings?
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Oh my gosh yes! And have you noticed males always hold onto you longer than females do, i mean they love you in all but males always get up in my business and i love that, they're such mamas boys!, i say mama because i am their mom, i know i'm a guy and everything but since when does daddy scovy take care of the ducklings?

I know right! They use those huge, long bodies to block you from going any further until you show them some love!!!!!
Trim the flight feathers on 1 wing. We do ours twice a year. Gives us a hands on chance to examine our birds as well.
All of mine are trimmed except this one drake and he has to spend time out side the fence since he's so hateful so he gets to keep his intact flight feathers. [in case of preds] of course some days I feel like just handing him over to any pred that maybe around
just kidding.
I live in Louisiana and I want to buy some females muscovy but I can't find any where I live. I really wanted adults, any suggestion

I was doing the same but I can't find any shelters or rescues or any breeders near me and none are willing to ship.I was offered a muscovy duck but the shipping price was just a bit too high for me which is totally in no way the breeders fault.So what I have decided to do is im just going to start from scratch and order from a hatchery like I usually do.Im going to get some runner ducks from Murray McMurray I don't really plan on breeding again for awhile either.So im just going to do my best to keep the scovies away from my geese girls until my ducklings are old enough to join the adult flock.

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