Muscovy keepers share your pics!


Peaches in the middle

Peaches in the middle

Peaches light duck closest to camera

Peaches showing gray tail and peach edged feathers

compared to Chocolates
After watching all the videos on vent sexing I could lay my hands on. I gently vent sexed Peaches. I have been in denial about Peaches long legs and generously sized feet. Her robust beak. Peaches is a boy!

I'll be selling this one too. Its hard when they turn out to be a interesting lovely new(at least to me)color and sweet tempered. I know logically males fates are often....
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Peaches in the middle

Peaches in the middle

Peaches light duck closest to camera

Peaches showing gray tail and peach edged feathers

compared to Chocolates
After watching all the videos on vent sexing I could lay my hands on. I gently vent sexed Peaches. I have been in denial about Peaches long legs and generously sized feet. Her robust beak. Peaches is a boy!

I'll be selling this one too. Its hard when they turn out to be a interesting lovely new(at least to me)color and sweet tempered. I know logically males fates are often....
AWWW! That's so sad!

I'm sorry hun. I know how you feel. The more I look at my Dandy River the more denial I'm in about 'her' being a her.
If dandelion is a boy r u going to keep the name? I have a boy named Rosey
Rosey is a cute name for a boy! Like a boy named Sue!
I was talking to my ma & we figured that if I keep saying "she" & "her" no one will even think any different unless they know ducks & can tell by looking at her. I'm thinking since she knows when I say "River" or "Dandy" that I'm talking to her I might as well keep the name.

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