Muscovy keepers share your pics!

Gorgeous.  The chest almost looks like a jaguar pattern:)


Muscovies are amazing!  You will be a duck expert soon.  Make sure you have them in a brooder and dry them off after they are in the water.  Muscovies are more susceptible to chilling than regular ducks.  Here is a great Muscovy web site


Thank you Ren2014! Yes...the ducklings are in a brooder. The water I put in with them to play in is warmed up and the bedding is changed frequently to keep them warm and dry. Thank you for recommending the website. Very informative! :-D



I just love watching "Saffron, Cumin and Cayenne" !
   your birds are beautiful. 

Thank you! I sure do love them! I only started raising them last year thanks to fellow BYC friends and I am so glad i did.
All babies i have hatched in my incubators, ive had 2 broody hens but both nests flooded and the 3 pied babes i managed to save and hatch, none of her other eggs made it. The other nest we were on vaca and got 5 inches of rain in a day and of course hers were hatching when drowned, so sad!

My hatch rate is only about 70% but I'm happy! Battled fox over the winter but through it all spring was great!

Oh and not to mention another hen has been brooding a rock for a month! I take it and she just finds another! Not sure what I'm to do for her!
Thank you! I sure do love them! I only started raising them last year thanks to fellow BYC friends and I am so glad i did.
All babies i have hatched in my incubators, ive had 2 broody hens but both nests flooded and the 3 pied babes i managed to save and hatch, none of her other eggs made it. The other nest we were on vaca and got 5 inches of rain in a day and of course hers were hatching when drowned, so sad!

My hatch rate is only about 70% but I'm happy! Battled fox over the winter but through it all spring was great!

Oh and not to mention another hen has been brooding a rock for a month! I take it and she just finds another! Not sure what I'm to do for her!
A rock!??
That's a hoot!
Thank you! I sure do love them! I only started raising them last year thanks to fellow BYC friends and I am so glad i did.
All babies i have hatched in my incubators, ive had 2 broody hens but both nests flooded and the 3 pied babes i managed to save and hatch, none of her other eggs made it. The other nest we were on vaca and got 5 inches of rain in a day and of course hers were hatching when drowned, so sad!

My hatch rate is only about 70% but I'm happy! Battled fox over the winter but through it all spring was great!

Oh and not to mention another hen has been brooding a rock for a month! I take it and she just finds another! Not sure what I'm to do for her!
Poor things drowning. So sorry.

I have never had mine brood a rock that is a first for me. Maybe she'll hatch little pebbles. lol sorry bad joke.
@ellymayRans your birds are beautiful.
X2 and great pictures

Thank you! I sure do love them! I only started raising them last year thanks to fellow BYC friends and I am so glad i did.
All babies i have hatched in my incubators, ive had 2 broody hens but both nests flooded and the 3 pied babes i managed to save and hatch, none of her other eggs made it. The other nest we were on vaca and got 5 inches of rain in a day and of course hers were hatching when drowned, so sad!

My hatch rate is only about 70% but I'm happy! Battled fox over the winter but through it all spring was great!

Oh and not to mention another hen has been brooding a rock for a month! I take it and she just finds another! Not sure what I'm to do for her!
Too funny!

A rock!??
That's a hoot!

Poor things drowning. So sorry.

I have never had mine brood a rock that is a first for me. Maybe she'll hatch little pebbles. lol sorry bad joke.
pebbles, lol. That's a good one

Does anyone know what color of ducklings this breeding pair will hatch? What markings?
And do Muscovies need roosts? Can I prevent mule ducks by giving Muscovies raised nesting boxes? (the other ducks won't have any; they are layers)
It's about 8' by 10' with a small stream and waterfall. It has a wetland ecco filter, that we were told would be able to handle duck poo and large amounts of debris. Ideally if everything works correctly, we will only have to clean it out once a year. The skimmer basket needs to be dumped daily and the pads under the skimmer basket washed off weekly. It's only been in for a week. I'm still messing with the rocks along the edge. I need to replant areas bare from the construction. The skimmer is under the faux rock in the upper left corner. I need to peel back the turf and hide the light cord under it. The wetland filter is at the head of the stream out of picture to the right. We are going to plant the wetland area and the stream heavily. We have aready added two small koi, some small goldfish, two red eared slider turtles, snails, grass shrimp and Ca. tree frog tadpoles. During the day when the ducks are in it, all the fish and the turtles hide in the rock caves. The shrimp and tadpoles are up in the wetland area hiding out under the plants.
Your pond looks amazing! Did you do it yourself or have someone install it? Did you happen to take pics of the process?

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