Muscovy keepers share your pics!

I have two that refuse to bathe properly, and one gets that too. The first time I saw it, I panicked. I caught him and rinsed his eyes with eye wash and worried myself crazy. Now I realize the problem is his personal hygiene habits. There is enough water to go around here, but he just doesn't bathe like he should. The other white muscovy drake is the same way. I periodically bring them in and put them in the bathtub the get cleaned up. They love it, but will not often get cleaned up the same way outside.

Oh great now I want to bring my big hunk of a bird into my house for a bath. Hubby might not be happy lol
I find scovies to be wonderful birds and a hoot to watch. I have three hens and one unhonorable drake who is a biter.

My hens great me constantly throughout the day for pets, food, water and anything else they want. Whereas my drake hisses, and bites like an alligator, he is getting closer to freezer camp with each passing day as i fear he will hurt my inlaw who is on blood thinner. And the fact i have little kids come over just to see the birds and they all want to pet them and i warn do not try to pet the ducks he will bite, but i will pull out a hen and let them pet the girls.
Oh great now I want to bring my big hunk of a bird into my house for a bath. Hubby might not be happy lol

Last time I forgot to close the door. He came out, dripping and shaking water everywhere and walked to the door to go back outside. I was in the kitchen, completely oblivious, until Husband came in with work friend. Thankfully, he accepts my eccentricities. If he didn't, I might miss him. Ha ha!
Last time I forgot to close the door. He came out, dripping and shaking water everywhere and walked to the door to go back outside. I was in the kitchen, completely oblivious, until Husband came in with work friend. Thankfully, he accepts my eccentricities. If he didn't, I might miss him. Ha ha!

Ha that's great! My hubby teases me but he loves the birds as much as I do. Well he's a little sick of a constant supply of babies in the house but so far he's let me have it....
I noticed the same foamy eye problem with my drake. His behavior has changed also. He doesn't swim in the pond with the girls anymore, but will bathe when they are not in the pond. Even though there is always water dishes by their food he sometimes eats without washing it down, struggling to swallow it and almost choking.
Is there a way to tell if the Muscovy girls are going to go broody, such as how chicken hens will walk around clucking, and fluffing themselves out before actually sitting?
Is there a way to tell if the Muscovy girls are going to go broody, such as how chicken hens will walk around clucking, and fluffing themselves out before actually sitting?
I've never noticed anything until I see one sitting in the nest up into the morning, that is usually the clue here. Then is when they come out all fluffed up and acting like a sumo wrestler.
Is there a way to tell if the Muscovy girls are going to go broody, such as how chicken hens will walk around clucking, and fluffing themselves out before actually sitting?

They make a high pitched peeping sound. It'll be different than what you usually hear from them. It's pretty adorable. :)
Is there a way to tell if the Muscovy girls are going to go broody, such as how chicken hens will walk around clucking, and fluffing themselves out before actually sitting?

To add to what @Miss Lydia and @Louise Waffles have already said, you'll notice a broody Muscovy duck will march around, like she's on a mission. Anyone with any sense will get out of her way.
Thanks for the replies. I have heard one making the high pitched peeping sound, and it is cute! I didn't want to leave eggs in a nest if no one is going broody for awhile. I wonder if that's why my drake is acting different. He goes off by himself more often, but he waits around for them until they get done laying their eggs.
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