Muscovy keepers share your pics!

Delightful! The largest hatch I´ve ever had from my ducks has been 8. Usually I let them have 1 or 2 due to the difficulties of selling. I think I can count 11 or 12 little heads in there. And what do you do with your extras that you don´t keep?

What will I do (first brood for me)? I may sell some, but the plan is to keep a few for egg production, and the rest for meat. I actually had a difficult time typing that last part. Dang it...
What will I do (first brood for me)? I may sell some, but the plan is to keep a few for egg production, and the rest for meat. I actually had a difficult time typing that last part. Dang it...
Oh, well good first brood, then! I keep mine for eggs, don´t like the killing bit, although I have done it, but I find my neighbours are always keen for a free meal and are old hands at dispensing anything with meat on it. So, they have the odd male. Happily, my ducks produce more females than males...or I just happen to leave the female eggs in the nest! You wait, when those young males are being obnoxious, you won´t find it quite so hard to consider duck stew! Enjoy them for now, though, they´re adorable!
I'd just reach under and take the egg. She might bite but it doesn't hurt at all.. or lift her up and take the eggs...

And if a hen is trying to get under the shed I'd just let her cause at least you know where the nest will be..
You were right—the duck laid an egg under the shed!

I finally had to just take all the eggs and ceramic eggs away from the broody duck because she wouldn't even come off the nest to eat. She would bite and bite when we took the eggs from her and I thought letting her sit was probably not a good thing. There's no eggs in the nest and I sent her out to free-range with the others. She was traveling about the yard today so hopefully she will be fine without her nest and eggs.
You were right—the duck laid an egg under the shed!

I finally had to just take all the eggs and ceramic eggs away from the broody duck because she wouldn't even come off the nest to eat.  She would bite and bite when we took the eggs from her and I thought letting her sit was probably not a good thing.  There's no eggs in the nest and I sent her out to free-range with the others.  She was traveling about the yard today so hopefully she will be fine without her nest and eggs.  
I figured that she was trying to lay under there. And as for the other hen who wasn't eating, she would have been fine. There has been times where I haven't seen my hen for over a week. But she is eating.. i usually only see my sitting hens if I'm outside around 430-530 in the morning. They will only leave the nest for 15 minutes to an hour and a half a day..
I'll keep in mind that the hen would be okay. I've not had a duck sit before—my ducks last year were pekins who showed no interest in their eggs after laying them. It's good to know these things. I like the muscovy ducks and may winter them over and allow them to hatch ducklings next summer. If I plan ahead, it should work out well. Both breeds of ducks were spur of the moment purchases and I was totally unprepared for the whole thing.
Update: got little ducky the nutri-drench and it helped tremendously! After giving that yesterday and feeding/ by hand, this morning he was up and walking around the bator (still a little wobbly).. his belly button is dried up, so I moved him to the brooder and first thing he did was take a few drinks on his own and then snuggled with his horsey. Things are looking up for little guy :)


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