Muscovy keepers share your pics!

It's not to early tell but in pictures it's hard ... I have 14 and it's easy to tell sex but only in person when comparing them together.. Females have smaller legs and feet... Smaller beaks .. Shorter breast/chest And are just smaller in general... When ours first hatched I had to look up how to tell the gender .... After reading up on it looking at them every day I finally started to see the differences!
LilyD and Buck such beautiful ducks! I want a lap duck! LOL.
I wonder if I can change my name with out losing my standing? Fuzzybird does not really suit me any more. I used to raise silkies but have none now.
Now you need to be Muskybird!

LilyD and Buck such beautiful ducks! I want a lap duck! LOL.
I wonder if I can change my name with out losing my standing? Fuzzybird does not really suit me any more. I used to raise silkies but have none now.
Now you need to be Muskybird!

LilyD and Buck such beautiful ducks! I want a lap duck! LOL.
I wonder if I can change my name with out losing my standing? Fuzzybird does not really suit me any more. I used to raise silkies but have none now.
Now you need to be Muskybird!

LilyD and Buck such beautiful ducks! I want a lap duck! LOL.
I wonder if I can change my name with out losing my standing? Fuzzybird does not really suit me any more. I used to raise silkies but have none now.
Now you need to be Muskybird!

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I´d guess the dark one to be male. It has stonking great legs and feet. Stance is wide. It has a heavy bill, the chest goes out a lot in front, it has a long tail end.
The lighter one I´m less sure, as in the first pick it seems to have quite a long tail-end like a male, but in the last pic it looks like a female in that it´s more rounded (shorter tail-end), daintier-looking. But the legs seem to be chunky also in this pic. Photos can be misleading, so.....

Have a look yourself, compare the legs, compare the shape of the body from the side. Females are more rounded. Males develop a large tail once it´s feathered, both in length and in width. Females are shorter, but as the feathers come in, they get feathers quicker, and the tail is more pointed than a male. See what you think about your two.....

Ok thank you. Yeah In a way i was guessing the darker was a male because I was looked at his feet and they do seem to be a little bigger. I was also told that males are quieter then the females if if thats true the lighter one is deff a female, shes always talking and the darker one is just like "yep... nice day" haha. If that was is a male I think I'm calling him Severide (from chicago fire) and the lighter one if female is Cora.
Ok thank you. Yeah In a way i was guessing the darker was a male because I was looked at his feet and they do seem to be a little bigger. I was also told that males are quieter then the females if if thats true the lighter one is deff a female, shes always talking and the darker one is just like "yep... nice day" haha. If that was is a male I think I'm calling him Severide (from chicago fire) and the lighter one if female is Cora. 

Males are quieter. ;)
Oh boy lol. Well I tried to pick two females so looks like I have a "breeding pair" because Cora is a mouthy little one haha.

A woman at the farm store vent sexed ares. Looks like we have three girls, but one I'm not sure about. There all cute though ;)
A woman at the farm store vent sexed ares. Looks like we have three girls, but one I'm not sure about. There all cute though
Indeed :) I love my little ones. I just went out to recheck on them before i left for class and they are loving the rainy weather. Also Severide is deferentially a lot bigger then Cora is.

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