Muscovy keepers share your pics!


She only started doing that after they were almost two months old. Most of the others join suit when she does. The Momma won't let her eat even. She seems fine other wise. She runs and jumps, eats, drinks. She is just a little smaller.

I have her sequestered in a petmate crate. I can't keep more than one in and I can't keep her in for long. I'm gonna give her a week and try it again. Thanks everyone.
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He was all bloody. Very pecked around the head, and beak. He's scabbed over today. He's eating and drinking well. And going potty.
So scenario, if I get him well.. Try to reintroduce in a couple weeks maybe or will they ever take him in?
Are they old enough to not have mama with them? if so and they don't start pecking on this one I'd just take them from mama duck and put them in a pen by themselves till they are old enough to be out on their own. Poor baby I would not let her get to him again.
They still need her protection, still. They haven't gotten their grown up feathers yet. ;)

I'm gonna try again to reintroduce when he's better. If I had an extra pen, I would do that.
They still need her protection, still. They haven't gotten their grown up feathers yet.

I'm gonna try again to reintroduce when he's better. If I had an extra pen, I would do that.
Unless they can see this lil one when you go to reintroduce they will see it as an outsider because they haven't been around it. You might want to use a dog kennel or something similar to put it outside so they can all see each other but they can't pick on it. Easy to make extra pens by using plastic poultry fencing[Lowes has it] and the less than 3.00 fence posts that have sharp end and push into the ground. You could make a small area for the little one inside the large pen and put it into a dog crate at night for sleeping. Just a few suggestions.
Miss Lydia, we must have a sisterhood. We had some extra plastic netting that we made a makeshift side pen with. It looks pretty sad but it will make a great temporary shelter right beside the pen so she can interact and see them, pick grass and such but they can't peck her. Yay! I hope and pray no predators can get in as it is t near as sturdy as chicken wire.

It had to do for the night. Thank you all.
Guys my drake milo keeps hurting me, he is always go for my foot and in which i lift up in his face since its a habit, is there any ways to get him to stop him from hurting me, he is finally getting to that age where he wants to have it with charlie and he is being all "oh look at me im the man in the yard" is there any ways to get him to see that im the boss not him???

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