Muscovy Winter Bedding


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 23, 2012
In the winter we keep the ducks and chickens in the shed during the night, with a large waterer on a heated water base. We use hay and wood chips for bedding. Normally for ducks we have Call Ducks, but last year we bought 2 Muscovy's and they got the bedding really wet. Is there any other bedding we could use instead of wood chips? We stopped using hay because it's harder to clean out.

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I use hay and straw. I find it more absorbent and you can add more daily if need be. It tends to be less expensive for me.
Also, its better in the winder for ducks as you can make it really deep and allow them to nest in it. Which is especially important for muscovy ducks as they are more prone to frostbite in the cold months.
Thanks for the replies.
I think I'll continue to use wood shavings.

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