

In the Brooder
May 4, 2015
Hello my female muscovy laid 10 eggs and started sitting on them. Shes been sitting on them for at least 35 days. Ive candled them and have seen changes but am wondering if they are going to hatch.
At what point do i consider the eggs rotten. Every time i candle them the best i can i see something but its been 39 days at least and nothing yet. If so how do i dispose. Help i dont know what to do.
break open the air cell ( the round part of the egg) thats how you'll know, if u break the air cell end and don't break the air cell the baby will still be fine if its still gonna hatch.
im sorry i dont quite understand what that means
sorry let me rephrase if u break open the end of the egg that holds the air, without breaking the membrane it should be fine 
ok so i did what u said. Should i b able to see them moving? Im pretty sure 3 of them are rotten.

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