muscovys one or two boys? - formerly muscovys or mules?

Just cause they are blue and black, and have a little bit of a bib, doesnt mean they are a swedish cross

Wulf: very pretty muscovies. I love the blues and blacks
Ya.. what someone else said.. many Muscovy have bibs.

The way you know is to get used to seeing them, however the really big tell tail, is the bill. Normal ducks and mules don't have the drop off on the upper part of the bill, the "hook" if you will.

They also appear to be both male.
hopefully they are not both males.... the lady that gave them to me said the blue one is a boy and the black one is a girl. If they are actually the same age the black one is much smaller and daintier than the blue. I also thought I heard trilling noise coming from the black one but I also thought I heard hissing. Definitely heard hissing from the blue. Since I am still learning about muscovys what signs do you see to think they are both male? argh the stress of being a newbie
All Muscovy hiss. I have never heard a thrilling type noise from any of them. The babies cherp, sometimes the hens will sort of quack, not at all like my Cayuga, and even they are relativity silent. If you send a side shot of the black, where we can see its legs, thats the best way at this point with out vent sexing and I don't recommend you do that.
They are so hard to photograph but I got a side shot and a front shot that might help. And I wasn't the one who clipped her wings. It is hard to tell from the photos but the blue drake's legs are much thicker.


black duck/drake?


black duck/drake?


blue drake
Ya.. it maybe a hen. Honestly.. they all look like crap when you clip the wings and unfortunately, its a must at least until they get older. Other wise they will flock up and leave home. Mine always looked hacked and there really isn't a whole lot you can do about it.
I guess I will just have to wait and see if I get any eggs from her in the spring. I sure am not going to try to vent sex it at this age!!! I just about got shredded when I tried on my other muscovys when they were a month or two old.

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