Muscovys refusing grower feed


In the Brooder
Jun 1, 2022
I've switched my 4 week old muscocys to grower feed from crumb but the normally greedy little things are refusing to eat grower food.

I'm a first timer for raising ducks of any kind and I'm wondering if I'm missing something out? I've tried mixing it with some water, I've also tried a 50/50 mix of crumb and grower but they are still not interested.

Any tips appreciated
What brand are you feeding? How long have you tried getting them to switch over?

I don't know how much you have that you need to use up but my suggestion would be to switch to Purina Flock Raiser Crumbles. It's what I use and it can be used for the entire life of the ducks with only one exception and that's adding oyster shell supplement if they are actively laying eggs.
Its only been for the last day and a half and for the moment i am just persisting with it under the assumption that they will adjust and eat it at some point but it seems a bit harsh.
They are of course freely grazing around the garden so I know they are getting some food, just not eating any grower feed to go with it.

I will look in to Purina, eould be handy to get them on to one food and to be able to stick with it or I worry I'll have the same when I swap to layer feed too.

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