Muskovy egg taste.?


5 Years
Aug 27, 2014
I’m trying to decide on duck breed to get. I only want 2 and for eggs only. i live in the city and many post here recommend Muscovy cause they are quiet , less damaging to lawns and cleaner than other ducks. To me duck eggs taste more eggy than chicken eggs. I’ve never had scovy eggs I know they lay less eggs than let’s say a Cambell ,but how is the taste? Ty in advance for your input.
I love duck eggs, and I have not really tasted a difference between Muscovy eggs and my Anconas eggs.

Muscovies love to fly, at least ours do. That's not a problem since we live on 5 acres, but if you live in the city, you may have to trim their flight feathers.
For sure I live in the woods and still clip mines wings to keep them home, way too many predators around here.

My Runner eggs are similar to chicken eggs my Buffs are too, My Muscovy eggs are tasty but I prefer baking with them the most.
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No difference in taste, though I also usualy use mine for baking. We live on 1.3 acres and never clip our muscovies wings. They would wander a little bit when they were young but typically wouldn't go far. Mine only fly to get back to the coop area in a hurry (like if I'm throwing out a treat) but typically keep their feet on the ground.
You know I think circumstances play a role too. Living in a neighborhood with neighbors with dogs can really be a killer for a Muscovy if it's allowed to fly about.

Here we live just above a mountain river and since that is where I first met my very first Muscovy drake[left home and made his way to the river most likely] I know if mine were to fly down there they'd be lost so they get wings clipped after molt each year.

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