Must Ask An Urgent Question


In the Brooder
10 Years
Oct 15, 2009
Southern Maryland
I am leaving for a week for OH from RI and have someone watching turkey eggs. I thought that they were at 28 days last week, but I guess I screwed that up. I cracked one egg and it had a developing embryo. So, I have a broody cochin, can I put the eggs under her and will it work out? They are close to hatching and I am leaving in the morning... what do I do?
Is her broodiness dependent upon the chicks or her own internal clock? I just put the turkey eggs with her. It was really cute how she nudged the eggs under her and sat looking so happy. I have no idea what will happen. I may come home to abandoned eggs. It was funny how we took her off the nest today and she ran right back, off, back, off, back... until I put the eggs under her.

I hope this works.
No, the broodies don't count the days...they will sit for as long as it takes generally.
I suspect they feel movement and know the end is coming too.
Should be fine...good luck!

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