MUST read this, about gmail,hotmail ...

what happened wasn't that somebody released anything....... what happened is a hacker sent up a phishing site, and people tried to login to their hotmail, gmail accounts. Of course the site is put up too look like it is hotmail or gmail, and when you feed your login and password all it does is record for the Spammers to buy the list, and perpetuate spam from new names. Pretty slick and easy. Thats why myspace is one of the most spammed social networking site.

Phishing attacks like this have been going on forever, it's just about 10,000 people not paying attention got caught and now have to change their passwords.

For the record, Microsoft and Google were not hacked.

Close ... except that somebody did release something ... the hackers released the account info they'd stolen via the phishing sites you mention for account names starting with "a" or "b" as proof of what they had gotten their hands on ... presumably so that they could sell the data they'd stolen to the highest bidder.

The larger threat is that some people use the same password for multiple sites, so pity the poor fool who fell for the gmail phishing scam, gave out his password, and was using the same password for paypal or his/her bank. It's people like that who will get someone to pay top dollar to these hackers for the data the've phished up and are trying to sell.
How did you decipher that? I am usually pretty good at that, but this one threw me!!!

I grew up in the military, and spent time in other countries. I am pretty good at deciphering broken english, bad writing, and I even know sign language in other languages.

No offense to callducks
How did you decipher that? I am usually pretty good at that, but this one threw me!!!

I grew up in the military, and spent time in other countries. I am pretty good at deciphering broken english, bad writing, and I even know sign language in other languages.

No offense to callducks

No no no offense at all. I can usually decipher just about anything, but that one got me good! So call ducks can't spell - I can't walk without running into things! I can't talk either.
I figured that call ducks
I knew immediately what your were talking about. I had to find the news story, it got buried pretty fast from this morning.

and I'm pretty clumsy myself Debi. We could have a contest or something!
I have bruises that I don't remember getting. It's sad really.

ahh yes i love waking up in the moring and asking my self were i got that burese or how did i get that scrheech ohh you know what i mean lol
My cat poked a hole in my sock this morning. So I have a naked spot on the bottom of my foot, and it makes me walk funny. I haven't fallen off my shoes yet today though. The day is NOT over.

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