Mutts or what?


Looking For My Marbles
10 Years
Jan 22, 2010
Dunnellon, Fl
Okay, stopped by alocal feed store to look for some cheep layer type chicks for some familly friends, they said they had "Amerucanas", JGs, and BOs so we went to look. We weren't there 2 minutes before they wer pestering us about how many we wanted and practically forced us to leave with 3 of their birds. The birds were in horrible condition and were from a "local supplier" which in that area is a red neck with a bunch of rabbit cages with chickens in them in that area. We left with 2 "BO"s and an "Amerucana" (I don't even know if it's an EE or not).

What do you think they are?

Chick 1: The "Amerucana", refused to stand up so you can't see the legs, bu they are a deep yellow, almost orange in color.


Chick 2: "BO" supposedly, but has some feathering on the legs... The feathers are like a cream color.


Chick 3: same as above, but as you can see... black feathers!, legs are blackish as well.

Sorry to bring the bad news, but no feedstore either will sell real Ameraucanas - They often get their stock from hatcheries anyway. What you have is an Easter Egger cockerel.

Also, the Buff Orpington has feathered shanks and yellow feet - Not a BO.
We didn't want them anyway. We know they aren't purebreed, at least the breeds they were sold for. They didn't get them from a hatchery, I looked at the boxes they came in... all liquor boxes lol
Yup, we figured that

Anyways, I didn't want the EE cockerel because, well, it's a he....I told the person at the store I didn't want him either....

What's the guess on the feathered leg one?
Yes, and Bos should have white/pinkish, legs/feet - a mix at best. The EE does look like an EE, but if the others are mixed it probably is EE mixed with something else as well - I would guess probably a brown egg layer breed. Probably less likely to get blue or green eggs than with hatchery stock even. Looks like these babies are all mixes, but if they are pullets they will still do the job for you.
The thing is though, we aren't getting them for us, we already have abunch of chicks and getting some more soon. We were getting them for a friend. They want pure breed brown eggers. I was wanting to get them some BOs and BRs so decided to swing buy and see what store had... but we ended up being forced to take these mutts.
The first chick could be a wheaten ameracauna (not that familiar with ameraucana chicks, so you need a breeder's comments here. Do check to see the type of comb. Since the chicks came from a private person rather than a hatchery, it is possible. When I need boxes for birds, I get wine boxes from Trader Joes--perfect size, so don't judge the birds by the box they came in

The 2nd is likely either a cochin or a brahma--check the comb type; cochins have single combs, brahmas have pea combs.

Not a clue on the 3rd chick since it doesn't appear to have featehred legs.
Ameraucanas do not have yellow legs. It isn't an Ameraucana. Also, loads of "private breeders" sell "Ameraucanas" that are EE's. It is so common it aggrivates me.

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