My 15 hens stopped laying since the days have gotten so short


7 Years
May 5, 2012
I live in a valley in the mountains. The days are about 11 hours long. I put a bunch of Christmas lights in the coop and have them on a timer. Do you think it'll work? And if so when can I expect them to resume their laying? Thanks :)
Hmm... You'll have to let us know. What color are the lights? I wouldn't think they would be bright enough to trick the hens' systems into thinking it's daylight-ish, but ya never know!
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I just saw a How-To Video that said that as little one candle can make a difference. It also said add the light in the morning, not at night.
Oh, that's good to know. I've got a CFL in the chicken house but I was thinking it was kind of dim. I guess not. =) I add light at both ends of the day. Can't have excessive crowing at 2 in the morning (since they need 14 hours of light and in the winter it's dark here at 4). LOL
They're the clear lights. I added the light in the morning because I read that if you add at night they could get freaked out and hurt if the light suddenly goes off and it's dark. Thanks everyone I'll keep you posted :)
I'm curious to see if this works or not. I have 16 hens, many who have decided to take the winter off.
My hens had quit laying the begining of October when the days became shorter and much colder. I put a small light bulb in the coop above the water to keep it from freezing and within 2-3 weeks most had started laying again! It was somewhat sporadic at first but they are now laying more consistently. Best of luck to you! :)
My hens had quit laying the begining of October when the days became shorter and much colder.  I put a small light bulb in the coop above the water to keep it from freezing and within 2-3 weeks most had started laying again!  It was somewhat sporadic at first but they are now laying more consistently.  Best of luck to you!  :) 

Right on! Thank you :)
My girls have just started laying their eggs the end of Sept. to just a few days ago. I have 8 chicks I got in May, 5 are now laying. I put a light with a timer in their coop to go on at 4:30am just this evening. I am hoping it will encourage the last 3 to start and keep the other 5 from stopping. I don't like it when it gets dark so early.

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