My 1st time broody Welsummer hatched chicks! -UPDATE: PICS


RIP 1952-2022
10 Years
Sep 22, 2009
My slice of heaven in Somerset, CA
I got home from work this evening and checked on Shirley in her "cat litter box" nest on the floor of the coop, and she has at least two newly hatched - but all dried off - chicks! I thought tomorrow was going to be her hatch date.

There have been four eggs under her, which she has allowed me to count every couple of days. But this evening, she did NOT want my hand in that nest box with her new babies! There's one yaller one with a smudge on the top of its head and one brownish one I couldn't see very well. There may be more than just two, but those were the ones just poking their heads out of her fluff.

Not all of Shirley's four eggs were those she laid.

Anyway, hadda share. I'm so jazzed!

I put food and water on the floor of the coop just outside of the covered kitty litter box. I've been putting high protein treats IN it for Shirley, but I can't fit any dishes in that nest with the new family.

I have new GrandChicks!
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Update: Shirley has hatched all four eggs! There are two little yeller chicks with smudges on the tops of their heads, and two darker brown chicks. No pictures yet - but I'll take care of that this weekend, when I'm home during daylight hours.

I'm so excited! Shirley is a YOUNG layer, I got her as a chick in late March. She's been laying lovely dark eggs until she went broody on Sept. 14th.
FINALLY got a chance to take some pictures of Shirley and my four newest GrandChicks!


The goobers sure can move fast, only got one shot of all four of 'em.


She went broody in the covered cat litter box I keep in the coop as and "extra" nest box, since there are quite a few young ladies getting ready to lay which visit The Big Coop.


I'm so proud of her! She hasn't even been laying eggs all that long! Looks like two chicks are from her eggs, and two may be from Delilah Delaware.

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