My 2nd Duck Hatch!



May 17, 2023
It’s almost time for my 2nd duck hatch of 2024!

After the recent sadness, I’m trying to enjoy and look forward to this hatch.

I have 20 eggs in the incubator, on day 23. All were still alive as of yesterday. They are wiggling! They will be a mix of these breeds: Cayuga, Swedish, Khaki Campbell, Silver Appleyard, and maybe Indian Runner because I have one Indian Runner in my flock.

I’m going to candle tonight to check for internal pips. My last batch had external pips on day 24 so I’m watching these ones closely .
9 eggs have external pips!!! All the rest except 2 have internal pips.

The remaining eggs:
#25 has always appeared to be about a day behind. Even it’s air cell is smaller. But it’s alive and active so hopefully it will just hatch a bit later

#3. Yesterday evening it was alive and looked normal. This evening it has more clear space and veins visible than the other eggs and I can’t see any movement at all. So it’s the most concerning egg to me at the moment. But I don’t think there’s anything to do but wait for now

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