My 5 week old chicks are flicking as much feed out of this feeder as they eat.


5 Years
Jul 30, 2014
Houston, Texas
My 5 week old chicks are flicking as much feed out of this feeder as they eat.

To me, the two issues with it are its feed level is too high for crumbles (not adjustable) and the tray outer wall angles outward. This makes it easy for them to pull the feed towards them and some fly’s out.

I’m considering adding a cardboard ring inside the reservoir to lower the feed level. Right now, I just don’t refill it until they’ve eaten most of what’s on the floor. Any other thought’s or experience with this feeder?

At tractor supply, the only selection was this one and a metal one, both in two sizes. I picked the plastic one because it had little dividers that I thought would control the waste. I want something that holds plenty of feed (~10+ lbs). I searched online, many have lip guards to prevent waste, however they look pretty flimsy. Any recommendations of a better feeder.
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When our girls were little, we had the round metal feeder with holes and it filled from an upside down jar. That feed went all over the place because of flicking. My husband used the cardboard tube from a paper towel roll, cut it down to about 4", then cut some 1/2" slits along the bottom of the tube so there were tabs he could bend out and then inserted the tube into the jar with the tabs closest to the feeder. That really slowed down the flow of feed into the eating hole and a lot less feed was wasted.

That sounds like what you are thinking about (except for a larger feeder), right? Give it a shot, at worst it won't help but it just might work as well for your bigger feeder as ours did for the smaller feeder.
Yes it does, thanks for sharing that it worked for you. I was using one of those long, rectangular chick feeders with the holes on the top. That worked great, but it’s too small now.
They sure grow fast, don't they? Good luck with your feeder, let me know how it works out for you.

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