My 6 week old chick doesn't seem to walk as much as he should. What's wrong with him?


10 Years
Jul 25, 2014
He seems healthy but hasn't really been walking as much the past week. He can walk but he trips and falls a lot but he wasn't tripping a week or so ago. He eats and drinks on his own and is pretty active other than that. That's what leads me to believe that his legs are weak so is there a way to help him get his legs stronger?
He seems healthy but hasn't really been walking as much the past week. He can walk but he trips and falls a lot but he wasn't tripping a week or so ago. He eats and drinks on his own and is pretty active other than that. That's what leads me to believe that his legs are weak so is there a way to help him get his legs stronger?
you could help strengthen his legs by letting him run around outside, I don't know if you're free range or not but if you don't you should. You could get like a small fenced in area and let him run or just let him out of the cage they tend to come back. Maybe try offering him some scrambled eggs. It's full of protein
I personally had a hand who was the runt and of course she got picked on a little but not enough for me to worry well she was also really weak and had a really weak legs and one day I found her in the nesting box sitting there and when I picture up she felt limp like she was already dead so I freaked out brought her inside and force-fed her water mixed with chick starter lots of scrambled eggs anything with high-protein pumpkin seeds you can get some organic bread that's full of seeds and protein she ended up having to go to another home to be a pet because I had had her separated from the other so long but they did not recognize her anymore and wanted to eat her
I'm sorry that that happened. That really sucks that you did so much for her just to have to get rid of her because the other chickens. This chick is the only one that survived from a clutch that one of my hens hatched all the others hatched weak and died in the night this one was with her for a few days until I came in one morning and he was barely moving on the floor of my coop so I took him in and warmed him up I was going to try to get his mother to take him again but then my flock got hit with fowl pox a week after I took him and the hen was one of the ones that didnt make it :(
I'm sorry that that happened. That really sucks that you did so much for her just to have to get rid of her because the other chickens. This chick is the only one that survived from a clutch that one of my hens hatched all the others hatched weak and died in the night this one was with her for a few days until I came in one morning and he was barely moving on the floor of my coop so I took him in and warmed him up I was going to try to get his mother to take him again but then my flock got hit with fowl pox a week after I took him and the hen was one of the ones that didnt make it :(
well it's good you seperated him...hopefully that way he isn't infected with the pox. He needs a lot of protien cause he growing and offer him grit it will help him digest the other high protien food. Eggs is okay without grit but def get some. Make sure when you give him things like bread or pumpkin seeds soak them in water so they can break apart easy. Are you feedif him? Chick starter unmedicated

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