My 7 week old Barred Rocks want to know...


11 Years
Sep 28, 2008
Are we girls? We feel like we are, but need confirmation.




Verrrrrrrrrry pretty birds IMO.

Although I'm new to chckens I vote all girls because I hear that the males are lighter feathered. The neck feathers on the last photo look a little masculine-- It will be interesting to see what the experts think on this subject.

Are you having a mixed flock of Golden comets (or red sex-links) or however they are named where you are?

I have 1 GC and 2 BPRs and they are so harmonious -- I feel really lucky for the cohesion of my 'mixed flock'.
Good news so far! Yes, Chickat, we have two Barred Rocks and four Red sex-links - here they seem to be called red sex-links or red stars....I like the name Golden Comets, are they really the same thing?
From all I've ascertained they are one and the same. Looking at mine, I thought that the way the feathers on the neck look---it IS like a comet, sort of trailing from the head. I also keep getting these BIG eggs from finally I got an egg scale and they are Jumbo size according to the ounces. Add to that she has laid 60 jumbo eggs in the last 60 days. I'm agog. My BPRs aren't slouches either..they just started laying, and their eggs are getting bigger and nearly daily.

IMO you have picked a really good flock! Sort of a can't go wrong combination if you want nice docile birds and lots and lots of eggs. O.K. off the soap box and quit bragging.

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