My 8 year old roosters eyes are swollen shut


12 Years
Apr 9, 2007
New Orleans
I've been a member here for a couple of years but never posted, just mainly read the forums. I think this will be my first post but I'll save the introductions for later and present the problem at hand.

Our oldest rooster is now around 8 years old, is having a problem with his eyes! It started about a week ago, they seemed somewhat swollen and slightly closed. I put him on Baytril but as each day went by, the eyes closed more and more. Today I got up and his right eye is completely shut, he can't open it at all, and his left eye is 3/4 of the way shut and he is in his rabbit hutch walking into its walls!

I have never seen something like this before, and none of my other chickens ever had a problem like this unless they had an eye injury or something.

What is causing this? What can I do to treat it? He hasn't touched his food or water since yesterday!

I have a total of 58 chickens, all but 5 of them are rescues that come from several different situations, and this one is and always has been in a two story rabbit hutch in my dining room because he doesn't get along with the other roosters so he doesn't have any contact with my other chickens.
Swollen puffy green eyes? breath heavily and sneezing? if not eat or drink, he might have come down with respiratory desease. This winter we have a lot of sick chickens, try Tylan 50 1cc thru Oral. Mix Amprol 1teaspoon/gallon, milk jug is perfect one gallon. He might not be able to see the food and water so you might have to give him a helping hand. Do that twice a day for 3days he should be recover. Recommend give him some boil eggs.
I don't have any Tylan and don't know where to get some. I have 3 friends who breed seramas within an hours drive that may have it. Do they sell it at the feed stores? I have been giving him baytril, a DOUBLE dose today, and by tonight he is breathing with gurgling in his chest and he has the chills so I put him on a heating pad. He is an indoor rooster. I gave him fresh mealies, sunflower seeds in addition to his scratch and his layer pellets and a few kibbles of dog food. He doesn't like people food so offering eggs, noodles and such doesnt' really work. But HE IS EATING so that's a good sign!

I have had my other chickens have respiratory problems, and they had the gurgling in their chests and runny noses but the eyes were never affected. So this is new to me and none of my others ever had chills.

He is my very first rescue. I don't want to lose him. I have lost so many others last year I can't handle another loss this soon.
You can get Tylan at Tractor Supply Co if you have one near you. Maybe at other feed stores as well. Call around. I know there is injectable and some you put in water. I am not sure of the dosage, but I know there is info on this forum. I think it is 1/2 cc or 1/2ml. (cc and ml are the same thing). I read that you can give the injectable to them orally, and I have done that, but my hen was sick with Marek's so it didn't help.

Any more experienced people have input on giving injectable Tylan orally?
That is so weird, I just heard of someone else with same problem. Two vets had no idea what it was. Tylan didn't help. Still happening.
having the same problem in only the roos. ive given soluable antibiotic in water, vitamins and electolites in water, and given 2cc injections of pennecilin, isolation and nothing seems to help. im tring something today and will keep you posted. i have put down 1 roo and fixen to do another.
Tylan 50, 1cc thru orally or injecting. Do it twice a day and give them some warm food such a boiled eggs, you will see some recover after 3days. Tylan 50 cured lots of chicken problem for me so far, I've tried lots of stuff out there in the market but I think Tylan 50 make fast recoverier. Goodluck guys, hope it helps
I ordered some Tylan and doubled his doage of Baytril. He ate like a PIG last night, especially the mealies and shelled sunflower seeds. He ate a whole CUP of sunflower seeds! I saw he was eating them all, so I kept adding more and more, refilled his bowl with them 5 times! Today he is crowing, still sounds all garbly but both his eyes are open now, about halfway. I have been massaging his face with a warm wet washcloth as well.

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