My 9-week olds are so thin!

I have a mixed flock and some birds are lighter than others. I have two easter eggers and one is a mini piggy and the other one holds off eating for the treats. It’s interesting to see how different they are. My biggest fatty is a black sex link, lol. I let them forage my yard... so hopefully they get all the nutrients the need....
If you want them to eat more regular chicken feed consider cutting back (or cutting out) all the other stuff especially the scratch for now.

Let them go a few hours without anything then offer them a dish of wet/mushy chicken feed and see if that drives up their enthusiasm or creates a sense of competition. Don't leave wet food out too long as it will turn sour, but it should be fine for a few hours.

Fact is dry chicken feed is really boring so if they have lots of choices the chicken feed will be ignored.

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