my 'A' frame chicken house..

ah i see... yeah i get what your talking about to your questions;

they'll be free ranging around a 6m area.

the roosts, i'll do some when i get a chance :p :p
ah yeah, i tell ya that could be i'll go back to the black board and i'll sort something but that could be one.
that's a good idea, i may build something onto it then i'll do some drawing soething to do it..

thanks!! :)
Your coop looks like it could hold up to 4-5 standard hens safely, even if being let out to free range. I would only put 2 nest boxes. Chances are they are gonna all lay in the same box. Make sure all roosts/perches are the same height or they will fight over the highest one. Keep in mind that added food and water containers are also going to take up space. Generally speaking, a coop should have a minimum of 4 square feet per (1.3 sq meters) per standard size hen. If there is not enough space, they will peck and kill one another until they feel comfortable. If you have 19 chicks, you need to have plans ahead of time as to where they will be rehomed.
just to let everyone know that i'll be doing what you suggested...

thanks so much for the help.
here's another update;


nearly done now :-D

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