My adorable sultan pullet (pic)


11 Years
Jul 23, 2008
Seattle, WA
I've never had this kind of chick before and I've been so pleased by her nature and personality. She has the most human little eyes too, if you know what I mean. She isn't a squawker, and isn't at all flighty, as I tend to think a rare breed bantam chick would be.

I got two of them from the Oak Harbor Skagit Valley Farmer's Supply store on Whidbey Island. They were in a batch of assorted feather-legged bantam pullets that came from Privett Hatchery in New Mexico. I didn't know what I was going to end up with, but it looks like I've got two sultans and one porcelain d'uccle. I'll try to get pictures of the porcelain d'uccle too later.

Maybe Privett's still has some you can order. I think it's really awesome that they sex the bantams. I've never heard of anyone but My Pet Chicken doing that, and they charge $10 for the job.

Of course, I'll change my tune if they all turn out to be roosters. We have a very strict no-roo policy around my place.
I've been wanting some Sultans for a while now, so I just went to Privett's website. Everything was fine until I clicked on their online catalog, which wouldn't pull up for some reason...

But I really like your Sultan pullet. Makes me want one more
Your chickie is just adorable. I hope it turns out as sweet as mine. Mine was only flighty when it was bossed around by a bigger roo. Now that he is the only roo, he struts around proudly and the hens (even the standards) just love him.
I now have a handful of half-sultan little chicks, d'uccle and EE...all so pretty!
That is what I ordered from Cackle Hatchery! I wanted Sultans so bad! But they sent me the wrong chicks! So now I am stuck with some Egyptian Fayoumis!!!

Your Sultan is just adorable!!! Maybe one day I will get mine.

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