My babies arrived today!!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jun 1, 2010
Western MA
Hello all,
Newbie here, just posted under the newbie thread, but I am so excited I wanted to share even more:weee My babies came today!!! I ordered 5 EE pullets from cackle hatchery on the city pullet special, and they are so stinkin cute!
All 5 seem to be doing well, 4 were eating and drinking right away, one is taking a little longer but seems perky and alert. I am very please that I recieved a variety of colors, all are different! One is reddish and brown, one is black + grey, one looks like a chipmunk, one is yellow, and one is yellow and brown with little freckles on its head. My family thinks I'm crazy and can't understand what the big deal So i needed to share with others who GET-IT...
I can't wait to take some pictures and post them to share. Hoping to chat with others here and learn all about raising chickens. I'm sure I'll have many questions in the coming weeks. IT"S A GREAT DAY!!

2 shelties, one malchi, and five baby EE
Oh yes, pics please. There will be many on this site that can tell you exactly what you have. In the mean time, enjoy your babies!
Congrats on the new EE's. I have some they are nice birds.
So happy you decided to join the happy world of chickendom.
You will learn a lot including chicken math, that is the fun part.

Congrats on your new chicks! I can't wait to get mine, 11 more days & counting down!! I'm in MA too. Where in western MA are you located??? I have some family out in the Deerfield area, so nice out there! Love it!
Thank you everyone for the warm welcome...It's been a fun day getting to know my new babies. I did post some pictures in another thread. ( I am way out in Western MA, on the Williamstown-North Adams line, about 6 miles south of the vermont border)

Again Thanks for the welcome!!

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