my baby Anconas and Gray Toulouse goslings getting zoomie attacks

no - they are not being mistreated or scared by anything - every once in a while they get up and zoom around. The ducks started it and now the goslings are joining them. I thought it was a cute video, sorry that it upset you. They were just playing
awww that is cute ! its like they are playing CHASE or Tag haha my pekins do that down the hill and they are only 2.5 weeks so they look like they are zooming
very cute
no - they are not being mistreated or scared by anything - every once in a while they get up and zoom around. The ducks started it and now the goslings are joining them. I thought it was a cute video, sorry that it upset you. They were just playing
Didn't upset me I just couldn't figure out what was going on and I think the Zoomie attacks threw me. They are adorable.

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