My baby bobs keep dying. What might be the cause?

What's the protein content on the chick starter? You'd probably be better off feeding them game bird starter. I have 17 bobwhite that are nearly grown out, they are just now finishing off a 50# sack of gamebird feed.

What's the protein content on the chick starter? You'd probably be better off feeding them game bird starter. I have 17 bobwhite that are nearly grown out, they are just now finishing off a 50# sack of gamebird feed.

I'll get game bird starter today. I'm not sure the chick starter protein content.
The low protein food at this point in their lives in not killing them. It might slow some growth down, but it would take a lot longer than 1 1/2 weeks to till babies eating low protein food. Something else is going on. Either they are at the wrong temperature, there is a draft, they are killing each other or some illness is killing them. Keep the brooder as clean as possible, keep poop out of the feed and water and make sure the area around the water is dry. Cocci loves to live around here. Double check your temps. Make sure the temp at baby head height is correct. The use of one big bulb is better than two small ones. That way there are places to get out of the heat and one big good source of heat. Set the temp about 92 degrees.
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The low protein food at this point in their lives in not killing them. It might slow some growth down, but it would take a lot longer than 1 1/2 weeks to till babies eating low protein food. Something else is going on. Either they are at the wrong temperature, there is a draft, they are killing each other or some illness is killing them. Keep the brooder as clean as possible, keep poop out of the feed and water and make sure the area around the water is dry. Cocci loves to live around here. Double check your temps. Make sure the temp at baby head height is correct. The use of one big bulb is better than two small ones. That way there are places to get out of the heat and one big good source of heat. Set the temp about 92 degrees.
Another died today. Stretched out beneath one of the lights. Ugh!

Water area=dry. I clean the waterer frequently. Temp with 1 bulb is 88-90.

I was thinking that 2 bulbs were smart in case 1 went out at night, at least at the beginning when they really need the heat. I'm in NC, so it's fairly warm during the day here.
From your photos, somethings I noticed.

1: White lights...go with red (as was mentioned before) it will cut down aggression.
2: Cardboard. Cardboard is slippery for little feet. Put down paper towels on the whole bottom of the box. That way, you can get rid of the straw. the paper towels keep the chicks from getting splayed legs because it gives their little toes traction.
3: Paper towels will be WAY easier to clean. Just pick them up and replace. Voila! No chick poo!
4: Move the food and water closer to the center (This is totally opinion and has no basis in fact. It is just what I would do.)

That is it. Not sure about the dieing, though. Unless it is the suffocation issue.
From your photos, somethings I noticed.

1: White lights...go with red (as was mentioned before) it will cut down aggression.
2: Cardboard. Cardboard is slippery for little feet. Put down paper towels on the whole bottom of the box. That way, you can get rid of the straw. the paper towels keep the chicks from getting splayed legs because it gives their little toes traction.
3: Paper towels will be WAY easier to clean. Just pick them up and replace. Voila! No chick poo!
4: Move the food and water closer to the center (This is totally opinion and has no basis in fact. It is just what I would do.)

That is it. Not sure about the dieing, though. Unless it is the suffocation issue.
I have put in a red light instead of the white ones. Two days after I had it up, I found 2 more dead birds. My guess is they're just being mean, despite the red light.

I can do the other ideas. Another thought dh had was to divide the brooder down the middle with wire mesh or cardboard, put the light over the center, and add food & water to the 2nd area. This would offer smaller clumps of chicks... His consolation is that at least the ones that live will be strong!
Someone once told me at the feed store .True or not I really have not inquired or researched.(they said the medication in chic starter is not good for Quail or Turkeys) .. Yet the medication in Game bird or Turkey starter is OK for either of those but not Chic's...Just throwing it out there (some one will Know) and hopefully tell ....cva34

I just use Game bird or Turkey starter (Med) the first few weeks . Then switch to (no Med ) But its hard to find around here sometimes..

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