My baby boy ran away....Black Copper Maran 5 months old

Missa Chickabee

7 Years
May 27, 2012
Northern Minnesota
Hi all. I had him only 6 days. A beautiful month BCM who was very afraid of me, but warming up when I cooed to him and rubbed his chin. Because hubby is still working on the run I was carrying all the girls and him (19 altogether) back and forth, morning and evening, out of the new almost completed coop to the temporary day-house big cage thingy in the shade...and then back again. Careless I was and Boaz escaped. When I tried to catch him he ran away deep into our 42 acres of woods somewhere. Will he come back to the outdoor house? Can he see in the dark? We are in a predator-infested area and so I am scared for him tonite and so sad.

Having "bad mom" syndrome tonite.


Very new at this, BTW.
Yup. You were right. But it was a story to get him to get into the coop anyway. Just relieved. Thanks for hte encouragement.
One of my girls decided to go on a jolly too, I couldn't find her and she didn't return by dark. I thought she was really gone.

She stayed out all night on her own and reappeared this morning when I went to let the others out as normal!

We were both lucky!
I'm glad he's home. You might was to try treat training him and the others, so he knows when you bend down with your hand out, you have a treat and he should run, not walk to get his share. I have 3 BCM's, that I purchased as adults. They weren't that friendly, but they saw how the others ran to me when I have treats, now I use this method to get them into the pen whenever I need to!
Thank goodness chickens love treats!
You are all teaching me I have to TRUST! Too much both me and my chickens! my big boy just realized he is a rooster these last couple of days. (He is too big for my little girls!!)

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