My baby duck is doing this weird thing and it looks like it's gasping for air I'm only 13 and I don'


In the Brooder
May 15, 2016
I tried giving it water and milk first milk then after awhile I gave it water but some of it came out of its nose everytime he she shakes his head PLEASE HELP
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You need to get starter crumbles and vitamins right now.

The duckling has severe nutrient deficiency.

Get to a feed store and start the duckling on the proper diet.

If you cannot get to a feed store, if you know anyone with chicks - get them to give you five pounds of feed. And if they have some poultry vitamins, get some of that, too. Follow directions for adding it to the drinking water.

and please read the first post here
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Is she choking? I've read giving too much bread is bad since its dry and can cause them to choke.

I know we've all seen or have been guilty of giving ducks at parks bread. Bread, other than being packed with carbs and some fat, does not contain any vitamins or minerals in any sufficient amount for a duck. It will make your duck over weight if fed in large quantities. Bread, though soft, can become dense in the stomachs of ducks. It also is tasty so ducks eat it up fast, which can result in the impaction of their crops, which usually requires surgery to fix. An impacted crop can cause death! You can help wild ducks stay healthier by informing people at parks of the negative health effects of bread."
taken from

Edit: Youve been feeding bread and corn since youve gotten it?
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The duckling could be choking - gently hold the duckling and very gently straighten out its neck and hold it so that its head is in a straight line with the neck. Open the bill by squeezing gently with the thumb and index finger on both corners of the bill, and push your little finger, a piece of half inch rubber tubing, or the eraser end of a new pencil down the bird's throat until the stuck thing is dislodged.

This is from Storey's Guide to Raising Ducks.


@Miss Lydia
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