My backyard chicken story in the newspaper

Great article!!!
My neighbors have been supportive, but as I mentioned, I live directly behind the Ohio Turnpike and the steady drone of traffic does drown out most of Sir Buffington's throaty crows.

We try to give as many eggs to the neighbors as possible, to give them a kind of stake in the success of the birds.

So far, it's been OK (fingers crossed).

Here's the link for just the video:
Okay, just where did you get wellies for such a great price? Just out of curiousity, do your chickens wander into the neighbor's yards? I didn't see a fence. I'd like to let mine roam with supervision, but am afraid if I turn my back for a moment they'll be in another yard.
I do not have a fence and the "kids" do wander a bit into my next-door neighbors yards (although they spend 80 percent of the time in my yard). They (the neighbors) seem amused by it all, at least for the moment. Thank goodness neither has dogs.

I will try to keep the egg supply coming for them and keep telling them to tell me if there's a problem.

(I hate to admit it, but I got the boots at Wal-Mart. At least they're made in the USA)

What breeds do you have?
Funny how you mentioned being next to the turnpike so the neighbors don't hear the crowing. When we moved to the country 5 years ago, the first night I though "how quiet it is in the country". The next morning I awoke to chickens/roosters, donkeys, dogs, and more, making music. I would really miss that if it were replaced by the sounds of cars again.

If my neighbors ever complained about my rooster (or the new guineas that should be adding to the symphony in the next few months), I would say, "what do you expect, you live in the country".


Very nice production, man! That was well done!

I was interviewed last year as part of a piece on backyard chickesn for NPR's "The Story, with Dick Gordon."
I admit that I wasn't the poster child for back yard chickens that I could have been, since my attitude is they're just chickens. I see them as part of an overall scheme, what many today have taken to calling "permaculture" or "sustainable agriculture."**

I didn't gush about my chickens, I didn't denounce the industro-agriculture giants for poisoning us, I didn't wax philosophic, poetic or even Thoreau-esque. I don't see them as pets or "babies."
I did get emotional when I told about the loss of TWO flocks to dogs.

But for the most part, Dick asked questions, I answered. There was an agenda, and certain points were trying to be made in the presentation. That's the core of the journalistic world, I guess.

I was more the laid back voice of backyard chickens.
I did get to talk a lot about incubation, though. It was loads of fun.

It's probably still in the archives at "The Story's" website.

** That's really the crux of making a name for yourself. You have to come up with new ways of presenting established ideas. If your "new idea" is also one that has been lost for a generation or more, so much the better. Joel Salatin figured that out - I sure wish I had thought of those terms, way back when.
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Great story and video! It makes a great impact on people when they see someone they know and relate too, whether from daily life or TV who is doing something they do or want to do. Your yard and home is also very nice!!!
I have those same boots from Walmart!! I bought them in the men's department so they are big enough to just slip on easily. We've had lots and lots of rain in New England, this year, so my pastures are very mucky. I love

That was a nice article and I enjoyed the video, too. My best friend calls me 'The Chicken Lady'
. Sir Buffington sure is a handsome rooster. What breed is he?

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