My bantam rooster attacked a hawk!

Bookworm chick

10 Years
May 27, 2009
Salem County, NJ
I couldn't believe my eyes. I looked out my back door and saw my bantam BR rooster flying at the wire covering the chicken run. I thought "what the heck is he doing" and then I saw the hawk sitting on top of the wire. I'd have never believed George had it in him. He's such a sweet, kind fellow and so attentive to his ladies. Wow, so much courage in such a little body!
My rooster had a similar incident with what looked like a goshawk... luckily it wsn't wedgie or it would have taken off with him
Good for George, too bad he couldn't get at him and show him who was really the boss.

My bantam roo Slyvester and his son Junior have gone after several cooper's hawks. I have not seen what they would do if the big boy of the neighborhood came down, the dreaded red tail.

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