My barred rock


In the Brooder
Feb 11, 2015
So I have 5 chickens 2 EE Rhode Island Red and New Hampshire red and a barred rock. Rocky I've noticed herds the others. When it's time to nest for the night she chased them in. Is that normal for the breed or is she just being bossy?
Most likely she is top hen. BR are no push overs. My top girl is a BR, some days she is a bit more bossy than others, but I also have a cockerel that pays attention to whats going on. He usually rounds everyone up for the night.
I'd go for it being the latter. I'm assuming she is the alpha female? In my flock, roosting time is a noisy and chaotic affair (to me at least) until they all decide its time to rest rather than squabble about who sits where.

It is usually the rooster who rounds everyone up at dusk, he doesn't go to roost until all his hens are in and if he catches on sneaking in she gets chased, so I'm assuming you have no rooster and your dominant hen has taken over the role.
No roosters as we live in the city. I just thought that was a Roos job and didn't realize the top chick would do that. I like it. I find it amusing.
No roosters as we live in the city. I just thought that was a Roos job and didn't realize the top chick would do that. I like it. I find it amusing
I like to watch how they interact with one another. Mine are only 20 weeks, but the BR already has the stink eye down pat. I don't know how old yours are, but it has been soooo fun watching them all grow up together, minor squabbles, chest bumping, starting to find their "voices" (clucking, etc.) The cockerel first sounded like a strangled frog, now he can cock-a-doodle-do pretty good. Mine are in the backyard outside my window so I can do my desk work and watch them...they watch me too

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