My big ducks don't like my little ducks

Beau Claverie

In the Brooder
Jul 16, 2017
Hello, I have 2 full grown ducks that live in a coop outside (1 male 1 female), and I also have 2 younger ducks (both females) that are ready to start living outside, but here's the problem... both the big ones don't like the little ones. We got the younger ones so the male could have some female-variety since it's possible for the male to fatally hurt the female when mating. I made the mistake of introducing the young ones when they were too small, but now they can't be near each other without the big ones trying to hurt the little ones. Will this conflict last forever? Do I now have to build a second coop for the little ones?
Thank you
You need to let the young females live side by side with your adult ducks for a while so they get use to each other with out any conflict. I can't say how long it will take but until your young ducks are laying age they don't need to be with a drake anyway.

Let them live side by side for at least till your young females are laying age usually 5 months old then begin letting them be together while you offer treats and they can be supervised. Once they are eating together you have won part of the battle next will be letting them spend time together when you can watch to make sure no one gets hurt.

This can all take time but it can be accomplished.
What works here is remove the Drake and introduce the females...After reintroduce them after a couple of weeks...I just removed my one Drake to introduce young and everyone is getting along great...Drakes are too hormonal..

Thanks for the response however the funny thing is that our big female seems to be even meaner than the drake toward the little ones.
And they can be not every solution we have found that works for us can work for others. You just have to try various things to see what works for your flock.

Main reason most of us rec having them live side by side and give them all time to get to know each other, there can still be some dominance issues but hopefully once they have come to know each other they can work them out pretty quick.

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