My big fat chicken fight

We have one you know what in our city council who HATES chickens I think that had alot to do with it and some other folks who had chickens and abused them. They had a major problem with something I am not allowed to say on here initials are CF and I think that was the main reason for rewriting the ordinance here.
this is what i meant to quote, sorry for posting twice.

thanks everybody for your support! i do believe the city is embarrassed about this carrying on so long, just so they can have control. chickenaddict i would think that you'd be granfathered in since you had chickens before the ordinance was passed?
journey11, the cops here really don't have anything better to do, they don't bust the drug dealers here, so they must like that sort of activity. CHICKENS ARE MY DRUG OF CHOICE YESSIR! they really are therapeutic aren't they?

I am not sure if I am able to be "grandfathered in" but we will find out if they ever come after me. If it ever ends up I have to get rid of them all (all in which have names) I will be completely devistated, it will be like loosing your entire family. I have no children nor can I have them so I feel like my chickens are my children. I go above and beyond to give them a good life and in return they make my heart smile
Truely the best therapy I have ever had.
i know just what you mean chickenaddict. when i'm done taking care of the humans, i see reprieve from my girls. they always have the right words to sayl bawk, barraak! they love my jewelry!
wow, i too have just read this entire thread in one sitting, what you are going and been through is unbelievable! im praying hard that everything works out for you & your girls! i just went through something with mine too, i got a somewhat victory, i just dont get it, they are BIRDS, if you built a pen outside and put a bunch of large parrots in it, nobody could do anything, and parrots make way more noise than chickens, and they both eat & poop..............but chickens are like the perfect pet, and plus you live in Nebraska? heck New York City can have chickens! wow, i just hope it goes well for you!!!
thanks onecent. this really has gotten ridiculous eh?

i have a legal question maybe somebody can help me with. our city council met on tuesday, i was on the agenda for an executive session. shouldn't they have notified me beforehand and atleast let me know the outcome of their secret discussion? they were discussing my complaint with the NEOC (nebraska equal opportunity commission) which their commissioners meet december 18 to decide wether a violation has been committed.
Depends on your state laws as well as city ordinances about open/closed meetings and notification. Arizona has very definite laws prescribing closed meetings except for a few very specific purposes. One of them is discussions with an attorney about an ongoing or prospective court case. From your post, that would be sufficient to close the meeting in Arizona, unless you were supposed to SPEAK at the meeting, in which case you should have been notified in accordance with your state laws/city ordinances..
the city clerk did respond by telling me that they were not required to inform me, and the minutes are published. she had asked the city attorney about it, (who is also my attorney who won my social security). i still don't know what they discussed or the outcome of the session, and i am too social phobic to go to the city office and find out. i will just wait until the 18th when the state meets about it.
Call or write and ask to receive a copy of the minutes. If the city attorney is also your attorney, even for a different matter, it strikes me as being a conflict of interest.
i'll just get a paper. yeah big conflict for such a stupid thing. of all the bullheaded people in the world, ninety percent have to be right here on our council!
Whoa, that's a little weird to have your name listed as A Thing To Be Debated Upon like a boundary line or trash pick up. But, since they decided you're ranked with such things then I would figure they followed the same procedures as they do for those things and thus don't have to notify you that they're talking about you... any more than they have to notify every person using trash cans at the curb that they're considering banning them in favor of plain bags so the trashmen's work runs more smoothly (least I figure that's why they did it here, it can't be because less animals dig in the unprotected bags!)

Anywho... Closed door meetings are sometimes a good thing. IE if they're batting around thoughts from all sides and want to be able to simply voice their opinions without a crowd jumping down their throats or holding them to something as a fact that was just opinion, that sort of thing. They have to announce that they are meeting, otherwise it might seem like some shady, secret thing to all the conspiracy nuts (ahem, not that I know any of those) When the time comes to announce their decision they'll have to do so openly, but for now it seems like they're still trying to figure out what the heck to do. Keep fighting, acting like bullies, and looking like idiots... but maintain the law they want. OR cave in, not pick on the citizen, but leave a gap that the next person may decide to use. Elected officials are there to uphold the laws and change them if the change will be for the good of ALL. If someone figures out that using the press can force them to change a law for one... well, why not for another. That may be what they're fearing, and thus why they're delaying. Unfortunately there's no way to know until they publish. They may be waiting to see what the powers (higher than them) that be say about the matter. If they are ORDERED to accept you, then they didn't cave, thus the risk of someone else just being able to use the press would be lessened. Meh, that's just a tangent, but it's a good example to show that you just don't know... great big game of hurry up and wait.

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