My big fat chicken fight

Bayard, I wish I had seen your post sooner.

I also got busted, not that my 10 allowed hens (no roosters) were illegal, but that I let them out for an hour a day to free range ON MY PROPERTY, by a nasty, vicious, hateful drug-infested neighbor who lived two houses away.

After enduring two fines, and several cases before the City Council, I won my case, and the City changed the law in my behalf. Now NO ONE can make me get rid of my hens ever again.

Ask me how I did it, I have some suggestions. My process took a year, but was well worth every effort!!!

I love my city, and my icky neighbor can drop dead; further more, the court awarded me a permanent 3 year restraining order against him and I hope to learn that he has had to spend time in jail because of ignoring it. Yaaahoo!

You would think there were way more serious issues for towns to spend their time on. I hope that on their judgement day, they find out what it's like to be a victim of themselves.
Cities and towns can and do (and should) all the time tell people what they can and cannot do; they set spped limits and place stop signs and lights; they require taht developments have access to various public utilities and require that construction meeet building code; they determine minimum lot sizes and prevent an industrial facility from opening in a residential neighborhood; they make noises to protect their residents from nuisances such as noise and odor and health concerns. It is part of the choice one makes to live in an incorporated area. What cities/towns should never do is selectively enforce their ordinances or code, or to make up rules on-the-spot rather than properly as proscribed by law.
didn't read all the posts but don't forget to tell them that they are a food source and that you are trying to live "green" also make sure to show them all the big cities that allow fowl such as NYC and the 5 boroughs

Good Luck. I am illegal too but the town knows and as long as no one complains they turn a blind eye.
IMO, you cannot argue two different things and expect them to believe you--either the animals are for primarily for emotional support: therapy animals, or they are primarily a food source. Since there is (and already was) an ordinance against chickens, it stands to reason that their being a source of food would not provide any sort of exception. The only hope is for them to be allowed as therapy animals or for her to receive a variance.
Well, I read this all just today, sorry I missed it earlier... I was wondering if there was an update? No matter what happens, I hope you find some others who want to change the laws and get a *cough* 'legal' petition going to do so. Since you're a home owner, you pay property taxes, I think it said you did register to vote, so you can find out who is in favor of this and other things you wish to support, and let them know that you are planning to vote along those lines!

Again, good luck with the whole thing! There's lots of sites that list all the many cities that specifically allow chickens and many that simply don't say one way or another. If you have web sites you are using to present supporting documentation, or need more, let us know... lots of other people here can benefit from what you've done, and possibly have info that might help you too. (I happen to like research, so I'll help look up things too.)

I agree it's true what Sonoran Silkies said to a point. You will want to argue primarily on what you've already presented, because that is what applies most to your situation at this time. (though I think this is stage is probably over for you for now) That doesn't mean that there aren't other reasons that keeping chickens is a good thing overall though, which will apply to why others will wish to support the change of laws in the near future. That's what you will want to build on for the next step... which I hope you take, I understand that you don't wish to be the up front and center of this, but I think it's a chance to start a movement which will benefit you, your children, your neighbors, and community in the long run. You can avoid the 'front' part, but still be in it's center! Provide support, information, documentation, help start a letter-writing campaign, you now have contacts at the newspapers, other media, you know names, facts and have started something that you can help others move on with even if you aren't in the front line.

You can meet others who are like minded without being totally in public on it, keep the numbers low and make a few more friends that you feel comfortable with. I hope you are encouraged enough
to keep going since you've already done so much when I'm sure you never thought you could!
YAY for you!!

Hope all that made sense, I was brainstorming as I wrote. Good Luck and let us know!!!
I hope that you win! I have illegal chickens in a small town. The only thing keeping them from going after me is that the ordinance says livestock, but does not specify what is considered livestock. Very few ordinances are enforced here. They seem to go after people that the members of the village board have a beef with. It is all very personal and petty at times.
I can understand that people are concerned with keeping their property values up. But I find that my birds are a lot less trouble than my cats or the dog I had. So, I can move out to an acreage, but others are also moving out to acreages so they can let there dogs run loose and ride 4 wheelers. To really have some freedom, I'd have to go back to the ranch I came from. Only problem is that it's 16 miles to the nearest town, phone service goes down for weeks at a time,(forget cell phones!!) and you better hope you don't need a doctor because the nearest big hospital is 68 miles away! So... I'd rather that they let me keep my 5 birds!!

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