My Brooder is complete!!! Next step... chicks!! **Pic heavy**


9 Years
Jul 13, 2010
Eastern, NC
Maybe is the newness of being a soon-to-be mommy of chickens, but while most are posting pics of their new coop/run, I'm posting them of my new brooder!!!

My husband found an old commercial steal kitchen prep table-- The light bulb went off in both our heads and simultaneously said "BROODER!!"

First we sanded the old paint off the bottom shelf:


Then I added linoleum tiles:



Making the sides:




And it fits nicely under my work bench!!!

I love my DH!!! He is so good to me... This was just practice for the coop he will be making soon

Now I just have to set it up with the feeder/waterer, lamp, shavings etc. I'm so excited...
Thanks everyone... nowhere else can I feel the appreciation of my excitement. When talking to friends and family (who by the way... do NOT have chickens) they roll their eyes or giggle. My DH understands me... well he is just use to me, really

I put my light, roosts, (they are secure and low), and pine shavings in. I have to find a flat rock or something to slightly elevate the water and feeder, once I do they will go in. I should be getting my babies this week


Before they arrive I'll have paper towels down on top of the shavings so they don't eat it. Also going to construct a little poop board for under the roosts but I'm sure I have time before they have interest in that. I saw someone's post about toys... I kinda like that idea. Might get a jingle ball, but I'll wait the first week. I don't want it to stress them more then they are from traveling. Ok.. Now I'm rambling-- Thanks everyone!!
I am SO jealous! What a gorgeous brooder you have! I used a cardboard box....Lol not fun. Congratulations, and I can't wait to see the chickies when they arrive!!
great ideas= great brooder. Looks pretty big to me - how many chicks do you figure it can hold. I love the flooring too. You both done good!! Next we need photos of it filled with chicks.
I LOVE it! What a creative use of that prep table!
Kudos to your husband and good luck with your new babies!!!
I will definitely post pics with they arrive. I only ordered 5. I'm a newbie so I wanted to start small. Beside, from what I hear about chicken addiction and this odd chicken math I want to have room to grow. The coop is approx 6' x 2' and about 2.5' tall. Its pretty big for 5 little chicks... but not sure about 5, four week old (like I said, I'm new so I'm not sure how big they are at that age). I wanted it on the bigger side just in case DH doesn't have the coop built at the 4/5 week mark.

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